
Cad Drawing Title Block Template

Fusion 360 (Fusion) has 2 basic workflows for creating custom Title Blocks.  The first is to create the Title Block within Fusion and the second is to create the Title Block in AutoCAD and import it into Fusion.  The first option (Create within Fusion) is pretty straight forward and the way to go if you do not have or know how to use AutoCAD.  The second (Create in AutoCAD) is for those of us who have and are comfortable using AutoCAD.  Lets take a look at both. NOTE: This is not a tutorial on how to draw in Fusion or AutoCAD but, just how the Title Blocks works.

To get started with either option the process is the same.  Follow these Steps.

  1. Optional, but recommended is to have a Project that contains your templates and other company standards.  It is also, recommended to sketch out on a piece of paper what you want the Title Block to look like, and what information is required and what information is optional before you begin.
  2. Start a New Drawing Template.
    • 1
    • Select "From Scratch" and choose the standard, units, and paper size.

      • 2
    • At the bottom of the screen select "Add Title Block"

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    • You now are presented with 3 options.

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        1. From Existing
          • Create Title Block from an existing one

        2. From Scratch
          • Create a brand new Title Block from scratch

        3. From DWG File
          • Import from an AutoCAD DWG

Option 1 - Fusion 360

  1. Select Option 2 (from above) and give your Title Block a name
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  2. Fusion will give you basic drawing and modifying tools (Geometry and Modify Panels) to design the Title Block.

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    • Attributes (Text Panel) are very easy to place with the built in attribute names already populated (7 built in attributes) .  If you require more information than the 7 provided, you can also easily place custom attributes to add additional data.

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    • Fusion attributes and where they are pulled from are listed below.  Most of the attributes are read only once when the drawing is created so, if you change the model's title, project…, the attribute value will not update automatically. You will need to modify the Title Blocks attributes manually by double clicking on the individual attribute(s). (insert sad face).  Filling out custom attributes is done by simply double clicking on the attribute in the Title Block.
      • TITLE_1

        • This pulls the name you saved the Fusion file with.

      • SHEET

        • This will add the sheet number and total sheet count (1/3, 2/3, 3/3…. In this format)

      • PROJECT
        • When you save your file, it is saved within a project folder.  This will pull the project folder name.  So, be thoughtful how you organize your data and if you want all CAPS you need to type in your project folder name with all CAPS.
      • SIZE
        • This will pull in the sheet size of the template.

      • SCALE
        • This will pull in the scale of the first view and how you typed in the scale (1:1, 1/1, 1…).  Also, if you change the scale after the first view has been placed, and you want this attribute to update, you have to double click on the Title Block and select "Reset Attributes".
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      • DRAWN_DATE

        • The date the drawing was created.

      • DRAWN_BY

        • Pulls in your Autodesk profile information displayed in the upper right of the screen.

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  3. One huge disappointment when creating a Title Block within Fusion is the lack of drawing geometry accurately with dimensions as you draw.   Once you draw a line, rectangle, circle, or arc you can only go back and use the Inspect command (Inspect Panel) to measure what you drew.  You would then have to drag snap points to adjust the size.  Not sure why the same functionality you have in the sketch environment can't exist here so, as you draw you can place dimension to accurately layout and design the Title Block.  For example, if you use the rectangle command first there is no reference as to how big the rectangle actually is.  And you may end up drawing the rectangle that is 100 times the size it should be.  The line, circle, and arc command at least show a visual as to how big you are drawing.  So, if you choose this route to create your Title Block start with the line command so you have an idea how big you are actually drawing.

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  4. Modifying Title Blocks

    • To modify an existing Title Blocks simply select the Title Block and right click to choose "Edit Title Block".  Now you are back in the Title Block creation environment to make the desired modifications.

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Option 2 - AutoCAD

  1. First things first, the AutoCAD file cannot contain any blocks information or Xref's so, you must purge the file of any of this information that may be hanging on in the background.  For more information of what's not supported click here.  If you have no idea what blocks, xrefs, purge or AutoCAD even is.  Sign up for one of our many classes on AutoCAD or stick with Option 1 above.

  2. Start at 0,0 and sketch in negative X and positive Y direction.  Below is a screen shot of Fusion so you can understand where AutoCAD and Fusion reference 0,0 from.  If you don't start like this your Title Block will be off the border back in Fusion.

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  3. Borders can not be created independently like the Title Block but a custom Border can be included in a Title Block/Border combination.  Returning to Fusion 360 you would need to delete the existing Border if you go this route.  Also note that you can add things like proprietary notes, company information, standard notes… as well.

  4. Unless you have modified the standard Fusion border or are creating a combination AutoCAD Title Block/Border, it is good to know what dimensions you have to work with.  Below are the dimensions of all of the ASME and ISO borders to assure your new Title Block fits appropriately.

    • ASME Border Size (Actual X,Y)
      • A 8.5in x 11 in
        • (7.74 x 10.50)

      • A 11 in x 8.5 in
        • (10.50 x  7.74)
      • B 17in x 11 in
        • (15.76 x 10.24)
      • C 22in x 17in
        • (21.00 x 15.50)
      •  D 34in x 22in
        • (32.00 x 21.00)
      •  E 44in x 34in
        • (43.00 x 32.00)
    • ISO Border Size (Actual X,Y)

      • A4 210mm x 297mm

        • (180mm x 277mm)

      • A4 297mm x 210mm

        • (277mm x 180mm)

      • A3 420mm x 297mm

        • (390mm x 277mm)

      • A2 594mm x 420mm

        • (564mm x 400mm)

      • A1 841 mm x 594mm

        • 811mm x 574mm)

      • AO 1189mm x 841mm

        • 1159mm x 821mm)

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  5. Attributes (AutoCAD ATTDEF Command) that translate over to Fusion properties must be named exactly as below.  No need to fill out the prompt or default option in the "Edit Attribute Definition" dialog box as Fusion will ignore them.   Any attributes you create that are named differently then what is below will come across as a custom attribute in Fusion.  How the attributes are mapped to Fusion properties were stated above in Option 1.

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      • TITLE_1
      • SHEET
      • PROJECT
      • SIZE
      • SCALE
      • DRAWN_DATE
      • DRAWN_BY
  6. Once you are finished laying out and designing your Title Block there is no need to block it in AutoCAD.  If you do, Fusion will fail to load it until you Explode the block and purge all traces of it from your file.  For me one thing I had to overcome is that Fusion is different than AutoCAD, AutoCAD Electrical, and Inventor and the information that I track in those programs doesn't have to be included in my Fusion Template (but, can be).  Basically, I had to tell myself to Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS).  Below are some examples of simple and more complex Title Blocks.

  7. Images in the Title Block

    • Even though it is mentioned above that Xref's are not allowed, an Xref'd Image is allowed.  If you have an image to place it can be placed through the Xref Manager (AutoCAD Xref Command).  These images will show once the Title Block is imported into Fusion.
    • Images can also be placed once you are back in Fusion by using the "Image" command on the Insert Panel.

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  8. Bringing the AutoCAD Title Block into Fusion.

    • Once the Title Block is finished save and keep this file in case changes are required.  If and when changes are required (Ever have a boss or customer change their mind?) this file can be modified and the changes can be brought back into Fusion. Follow the steps in the beginning of this article of how to add a Title Block from AutoCAD and re-select the AutoCAD file.  You will be presented with a dialog box to over write the existing one.

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Whichever option you decide to create the Fusion Title Block.  I hope this finds you well, and sheds a little light on a few things.  And as always…..back to sweeping…..


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Cad Drawing Title Block Template


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