
How To Host A Website Created In Asp Net

Compare ASP.NET Hosting

Designed for developers, ASP.NET is Microsoft's server-side framework for creating dynamic web applications. Many hosting companies support ASP.NET, but there are features you need to look for.

ASP.NET can run on Windows and Linux servers, but Windows hosting plans are typically optimized for ASP.NET sites. You'll want a host that provides a SQL server database, like MS SQL, to store your application's data.

There's more detail below, but here's a summary of the best 5 hosts for ASP.NET hosting based on customer ratings and expert analysis:

  1. HostGator – Easy 1-click ASP.NET installation and high uptime guarantee
  2. GoDaddy – Unlimited resources and high security
  3. Liquid Web – High performance and 100% uptime
  4. – Cheap shared hosting with SSL
  5. Interserver – Price-locked plans and great support

How Did We Pick the Best Hosts for ASP.NET?

We checked which hosts provided support for multiple versions of ASP.NET and Microsoft frameworks. We chose hosts with high trust levels for ASP.NET, a user-friendly control panel like cPanel, and Windows support. We picked hosts with the best customer ratings.

Compare ASP.NET Hosts

compare asp-net hosting

What You'll Learn

To build and deploy applications, it's important for programmers and developers to utilize the best, most reliable hosting available.

That's probably true for any kind of development project, but when it comes to ASP.NET projects, in particular, there are so many choices available that it can be confusing to select just one.

Selecting the right hosting option for your needs requires a basic understanding of the ASP.NET framework and what the implications of using the framework are for your project&'s needs.

In this article, you'll learn what to look for in an ASP.NET host. And I'll share my personal recommendations to give you a headstart in your search.

what is asp-net

What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a Web application framework developed by Microsoft. However, unlike most things coming out of Redmond, ASP.NET is an open-source framework.

In a move welcomed by most (if not all) developers, the company made the .NET core open source in November 2014.

ASP.NET is a server-side framework that enables programmers to build dynamic websites, services, and applications. ASP.NET pages are officially referred to as Web Forms, although developers tend to dispense with formalities.

asp-net homepage

Object-Oriented Programming With The ASP.NET Framework

ASP.NET is object-oriented and allows for an inheritance, as well as for template-based page development. It basically streamlines the development process. This, in turn, enables developers to use less code to get the job done.

The framework also makes ample use of server-side caching, which can be used to store different objects across the application.

ASP and ASP.NET are not the same things. ASP.NET supports a number of programming languages on the framework.

However, ASP.NET itself is not a programing language. Classic ASP (Active Server Pages) was Microsoft's first server-side scripting language. The company released ASP.NET in 2002 as its successor.

Running ASP.NET Applications

Using ASP.NET to build web applications, developers can isolate applications running on the same server by using the application pool. This prevents problems in one application from affecting others.

Isolation also allows developers to apply different levels of security to individual web applications, depending on their specific needs.

To run ASP.NET applications, one can use mod_mono which supports Apache hosting. This is the recommended way to web deploy ASP.NET applications.

What is ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET MVC is an alternative way to build web applications with ASP.NET. It doesn't replace ASP.NET Web Forms, it simply uses a different architectural pattern.

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. This architectural pattern separates an application into three pieces.

These components are the model, view, and controller.

asp-net mvc

This separation of concerns makes it easier to manage complex applications.

One example of an application built on ASP.NET is BlogEngine.NET. This is an open-source blogging platform that takes advantage of .NET features.

Open Source, But Reliant on Microsoft

While ASP.NET is an open-source framework, it is designed with the .NET framework and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) in mind. Fortunately, Microsoft's .NET Core is now open source as well.

Hosting companies tend to offer a number of options for ASP.NET, ranging from inexpensive shared plans to pricier dedicated-server plans.

One of Microsoft's primary design considerations for ASP.NET was to gain market share from competitor script-based frameworks by delivering superior performance benefits.

This is done by compiling the server-side code to DLL files, allowing the use of a common language runtime that provides a performance boost over other scripting languages.

Significant Performance Boost

Microsoft tried to offer the best of both worlds by combining the performance boost made possible by fully compiled binaries with the ease of use provided by scripting languages.

The current version of ASP.NET is 4.8 and it was released in April 2019. Here are the older versions with their respective release dates that are still supported:

  • 4.5.2 – May 2014
  • 4.6 (with Visual Studio 2015) – July 2015
  • 4.6.1 – November 2015
  • 4.6.2 – August 2016
  • 4.7 – April 2017
  • 4.7.1 – October 2017
understanding asp-net hosting factos

Understanding ASP.NET hosting

Due to ASP.NET&'s popularity, there is no shortage of hosting plans suitable for working with this framework.

What Types of ASP.NET Hosting Plans are Available?

Hosting plans for ASP.NET may range from a few dollars a month to hundreds of dollars, depending on features and what your needs are. They range from basic shared hosting to dedicated server hosting.

What Does a Basic ASP.NET Hosting Plan Cost?

The most basic plans start at a few dollars a month and are designed to host one or more websites.

More elaborate shared plans include hosting an unlimited number of websites, with abundant storage and more bandwidth.

Dedicated Hosting for ASP.NET

On the other end of the spectrum, dedicated servers are available, usually at a price range between $150 and $400.

The variations in cost will depend on factors such as:

  • Hardware configuration
  • Server speed
  • Bandwidth.

Features of Dedicated Hosting Plans for ASP.NET

Without any serious digression, let's jump straight into showcasing noteworthy features of dedicated ASP.NET hosting plans.

Dedicated hosting plans usually start with:

  • Dual-core Xeon processors
  • 4GB of RAM
  • Mechanical RAID storage

More expensive options are available, offering:

  • Quad-core Xeons
  • Uplink speeds of up to 1Gbps
  • More bandwidth
  • Additional dedicated IPs

More often than not, it is possible to customize these plans by adding:

  • Solid-state drive (SSD) storage
  • More RAM
  • More speed and bandwidth

Both the cheapest shared plans and more expensive dedicated plans tend to cover the basics, including:

  • IIS 8;
  • The latest iteration of ASP.NET;
  • MSSQL hosting (usually 2012 and 2014 releases); and
  • Visual Studio compatibility.
asp-net hosting requirements

Technical Requirements for Hosting ASP.NET Applications

ASP.NET can run on both Windows servers and Linux servers. So, don&'t feel confined to a Windows host, although Windows hosting services will be optimized for ASP.NET websites and applications.

Your host will need an SQL server database, such as MySQL, to be able to host applications built using ASP.NET.

Specialized Hosts

You can find some specialized ASP.NET web hosts out there, such as DiscountASP.NET.

This company provides web hosting packages specifically for ASP.NET websites and applications and includes MSSQL/MySQL databases and isolated application pools. Keep in mind that this specific host company is geared primarily towards developers.

You can also find ASP.NET hosting packages from most common web host providers, such as HostGator and A2 Hosting.

Points to Remember When Choosing an ASP.NET Host

While most hosts offer the latest versions of all relevant frameworks, it is always a good idea to check before committing to their package. Here are a few pointers to guide you.

Asset Required Optional
The .NET Framework 2.0 Yes
A code-authoring environment Yes
A server (e.g., Internet Information Services or IIS), plus permissions to write files to the server Yes
A database product (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server) for application data storage Yes
An SMTP server to send e-mail messages from the application Yes
  1. Updates
  2. Support for Versions of ASP.NET
  3. Multiple versions of Microsoft frameworks
  4. MSSQL edition
  5. OS version
  6. ASP.NET trust levels
  7. Add-ons
  8. Control panels
  9. Hardware requirements
  10. Quality of tech support


Check whether the host you are considering has a good track record when it comes to software updates.

Support for Versions of ASP.NET

Do your homework on any hosting company you are considering. Ensure that all the necessary versions are supported, not just the latest version of ASP.NET.

Multiple Versions of Microsoft Frameworks

Look for hosts that offer this level of choice; it can be quite useful.

MSSQL Edition

Make sure the MSSQL edition supported by your host matches that found in your application.

OS Version

Check the OS version(s) supported by the host. This will typically be Windows Server 2012R2 or Windows Server 2012.

ASP.NET Trust Levels

Trust levels for ASP.NET are related to security and are defined by policy files.

Available trust levels are: Full, High, Medium, Low, and Minimal. The trust level that will be available to you will depend on the type of hosting services you choose.

Tip: Search the knowledgeable of the host you are interested in for more information on how they handle trust levels.


Check the availability of add-ons you may need now or in the future.

Control Panels

Check for access to easy-to-use popular control panels like Plesk or cPanel.

Hardware Requirements

As always, hardware requirements depend on your needs. Make sure you gather your requirements before vetting a host. Check and make sure their tech matches the requirements.

You also want to ensure your hosting provider can scale its solutions for you and keep up with demand. So if you are building a site that could experience rapid growth, make sure to inquire about the possibility of adding more RAM, SSD storage or migrating to a better plan.

Quality of Tech Support

Good tech support is equally important.

However, there is one additional point to consider: If you are not new to the business, already use Linux-based LAMP plans, and are happy with the level of support provided by your host, that does not necessarily mean you will get the same quality of tech support when it comes to Microsoft technology.

Excellence in one area does not necessarily translate to excellence in the other.

Basically, if your current host specializes in LAMP plans and offers a few Windows plans on the side, this may be a red flag. If this is the case, make sure to check the host's track record on the Windows front, too.

best asp-net hosts

My Top 3 Recommendations for ASP.Net Hosting

It's time. Knowing or even having a vague idea of which hosting provider to go for will aid your decision to come.

Host Websites Databases Storage Starting Price
A2 Hosting 1 5 Unlimited $4.90/mo
HostGator 1 Unlimited Unmetered $4.76/mo
GoDaddy 1 10 100 GB $5.99/mo

A2 Hosting

a2 hosting

A2 Hosting for ASP.NET

One of the most affordable web hosting companies for ASP.NET support is A2 Hosting. Their windows shared hosting plans are optimized for ASP, ASP.NET, and Microsoft SQL.

These plans include access to the Plesk control panel and provide you with unlimited disk space and bandwidth. One thing we love about A2 Hosting is their anytime money-back guarantee that lets you host them risk-free.



HostGator for ASP.NET

HostGator gives you access to the same features and benefits offered by A2&'s windows hosting plan. Their prices are also fairly similar.

HostGator includes free one-click installations of ASP.NET-friendly scripts. However, HostGator does not offer the 20x speed boots that A2 Hosting offers with their optional Turbo Servers.



GoDaddy hosting for ASP.NET

Another hosting option to consider is GoDaddy. We like that this popular company gives you free domain registration with their plans. However, you&'ll pay a bit more for unlimited resources and databases that you would with A2 and HostGator.

GoDaddy plans will also give you easy one-click installations of applications through their user-friendly control panel. Moreover, the company stresses server security, offering 24/7 monitoring and DDoS attack protection.

Summary of ASP.NET Hosts

All three of these hosting companies offer you a 99.9% uptime guarantee, so functionally, there isn&'t a lot of difference between them.

My bottom line recommendation is to examine carefully the independent reviews for each company you&'re considering. Then select the hosting provider with the best overall reviews and customer support.

ASP.NET Frequently Asked Questions

What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is an Open Source web application framework for developing dynamic websites, services, and apps. It is a development platform created by Microsoft with adequate components to create applications. Its framework includes an authentication system to process web requests and is written in C#.

What operating systems does ASP.NET work on?

ASP.NET only works on Windows. However, ASP.NET applications can run on a variety of operating systems. These include Linux, MacOS, Docker, and a range of Windows versions. Currently, ASP.NET supports Windows XP, Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1, and selected Windows 10 versions.

Can I run an ASP.NET application on Linux?

The Mono project has created an Open Source, cross-platform implementation of the .NET framework, meaning it is compatible with ASP.NET and can be run on Linux. Not all features are supported, so be sure to consult the Mono documentation before deciding to go in that direction.

What languages does ASP.NET support?

ASP.NET can be used to create HTML, CSS, JS, XML, and any other client-side markup or scripting language. ASP.NET uses the Common Language Runtime infrastructure, which means that server-side programming can be done in any of the CLI languages. These include C#, Visual Basic, and C++.

What is the difference between ASP and ASP.NET?

ASP is an older development framework, while ASP.NET is its new counterpart. The original ASP (Active Server Pages) was an early web development framework released by Microsoft in the mid-1990s. Programming was done mostly in the VBscript or JScript languages, with other languages being made available through third-party engines. ASP.NET is an entirely new (in 2002, that is) web development framework built on their .NET platform.

How are ASP.NET applications structured?

ASP.NET applications can be built using any number of coding paradigms.

Microsoft recommends a code organization strategy they call the "code behind" model, where template code is held in .aspx files. Functional code is in separate files with doubled extensions (like .aspx.cs). User controls that have an associated GUI are created using a markup file that stores presentational information and controller files. Internal controllers do not have separate markup files but are compiled into DLLs (dynamically linked libraries).

What are the session states in ASP.NET?

With ASP.NET, developers can take advantage of Application State features, which are persistent global variables accessible to all users. Session variables, specific to a user, can be stored in memory on the server, outside the ASP.NET process, within the larger .NET structure. They can also be stored in the database, or handled in more conventional ways such as browser cookies or HTTP request variables.

What are the benefits of using ASP.NET?

With ASP.NET, development can be done in multiple languages. This is beneficial because certain types of tasks are easier to accomplish in some languages than in others. Also, even if your development team is only going to code in a single language, DLLs, and other tools written in other languages can still be included. Web applications written in scripting languages are interpreted at run time. ASP.NET code is compiled, which makes it run much faster.

What are the disadvantages of ASP.NET?

ASP.NET only runs on Microsoft servers, so if you start down the road with it, you'll be tied to paying for your operating system and web server forever, which is expensive. More, compared to more "fun" tools like Ruby on Rails or Node.js, it may be harder to find qualified ASP.NET developers, because the bulk of the talent tends to gravitate to more popular languages.

What are the best alternatives to ASP.NET?

Some alternative web application to ASP.NET include development frameworks available, like Ruby on Rails, Django (Python), and Zend (PHP). However, unlike ASP.NET, most of them require all or most programming to be done in a single language and rely on scripting rather than compiled code. There's also Maverick.NET, Entity Framework, and ASP.NET MVC, an Open Source framework also made by Microsoft.

When is ASP.NET a good platform choice?

ASP.NET is a good option for building complex web applications that need to interact heavily with existing Microsoft components. Typically, a certain level of operational complexity needs to be required before ASP.NET is a better option than simpler web development frameworks.

Who should use ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a good platform for skilled developers and engineers who have a lot of experience with building desktop applications in a Windows environment, and relatively little experience doing web application development. That said, anyone with a solid foundation in programming can learn the ins and outs of ASP.NET.

What is Microsoft Silverlight used for?

Microsoft Silverlight is a plugin used for the development of interactive web applications, often looked at as an alternative to ASP.NET. It is compatible with multiple browsers and platforms and allows a more flexible use of third-party controls compared to ASP.NET and is preferred by developers in certain use cases. One isn't better than the other, but they are different.

What is Ajax?

Ajax stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML". It is not a programming language, but rather a combination of development methods used to create client-side web applications. Its main functions are to build code that allows data to be sent to and from databases.

What is the use of Ajax in ASP.NET?

In ASP.NET, Ajax techniques allow web pages to be updated quickly and efficiently. It allows the transfer of minor data sets to update specific parts of web pages. It is primarily used to improve overall data transfer speed, thus performance.

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How To Host A Website Created In Asp Net


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